Today I went to the notary again to make one of our key developers shareholder in Genzai. After he graduated with a 10 from Fontys ICT, he joined us five years ago directly when we started Genzai. Tim has been a key person in the developer teams that are working on Verdify, AgroWizard and also AIDA. And many other developers are asking him for solutions whenever they have difficult and advanced questions in the areas of Backend, DevOps, Hardware or A.I. Tim always is willing and able to help them. Like many strong developers (and like myself), he did not learn it at school or university, but by himself at home.

In the last few years we have assembled quite a strong team of developers around us, whether it is A.I., back-end, front-end, full-stack, Dev Ops or Blockchain. At Genzai our ambition has always been to build a “developer’s paradise”. A place where very strong and ambitious developers feel at home, where they are rewarded and where we have the most ambitious and challenging projects for them. Where we always work in multi-disciplinary teams with the different start-up teams. Where we start projects that at first seem to be impossible but where we make things possible, just because we can.

Part of this vision is also to make sure our key developers are properly rewarded in the success of the company, whether it is Genzai, Boosting Alpha or any of the start-ups. This also makes sure we continue the flying wheel that we call Genzai.
#genzai #developer #success #artificialintelligence